Robert Sterler is the person responsible for WoodArt. Robert has a unique history in the building trades. He started building professionally at age 13. He worked each summer for 8 consecutive years for a general contractor building houses on Long Island, New York. From Junior High School through college this was "the summer job". At age 22 after graduation from college with a B.S. degree in psychology; many more adventures lay in store for Robert. For example: the Peace Corps; a degree in Electronics; 10 years work in electrical engineering and then in the early 1980's a return to full time building. When Windows95 came out; Robert made an excursion into computer networking and teaching for 7 years. In 2002 he returned to construction, his first love - full time. Robert has been married to Susan for 35+ years and has two daughters: Sierra - 30 and Olivia - 27. Craftsmanship has always been important in Robert's work, whether it is furniture, concrete work, room additions, ceramic tile, buildings, computers, writing or websites. Robert believes that the integrity that we show in our work is a reflection of what we see in ourselves.
Mailing address:
24295 King Ridge Road
Cazadero, Ca 95421
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cell = 707-849-2621